Walgreens understands that a student’s ability to express themselves can lead to happiness and health. That’s why they created the Walgreens Expressions Challenge.
This scholarship is open to students ages 13 – 18 and prompts them to communicate how they see the world around them through a variety of mediums.
The goal of the Walgreens Scholarship is to provide a space for students to emphasize how they see the world in light of issues that they experience. Topics include, but are not limited to:
• Impact of Social Media
• Cyber Bullying
• Self-Esteem
• Mental Health
• Gender Identity
• Gun Violence
• Social Justice
• Drug Abuse
• Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Students can create an entry from four different mediums. They are:
• Spoken Word – These entries should be comprised of audio/video-recorded poetry. They must either be the voice or video recording of the teen reciting their poetry. No video storytelling, please.
• Visual Arts – These entries can be drawings, paintings, graphic design, photography, or sculptures.
• Media Arts – This category can include music, PSAs, and video entries that tell a story. Entries in this category should be no longer than three minutes.
• Creative Writing – The final category can include short stories, written poetry, and essays. Entries should be limited to 1,000 words and submitted as a PDF.
For video submissions, anyone appearing in the video must be over the age 13, and consent is required for each person appearing in the video. A limit of five people, including the entrant, can be featured in video submissions.
Applicants can submit an entry for each category, and they can do so as an individual or with a group. A group of up to five people is eligible to enter together; however, they must split the scholarship money.
A first ($2,000), second ($1,750), and third ($1,500) place winner will be selected from each category. Four recipients will also receive $1,000 for the most-liked entries. Winners will be announced in May.
All submissions will be judged on originality and quality as well as how they fit into the category to which they were entered. Any entries that include explicit images, nudity, profane language, and discrimination will be rejected.
Finally, the Walgreens logo or brand CANNOT be included in any of the submissions. Failure to adhere to this stipulation will result in disqualification.
Enter the Walgreens Expressions Challenge
Over $20K available to students between the ages of 13 – 18.

Applicants can utilize spoken word, visual arts, media arts, and creative writing to win a scholarship through the Walgreens Expressions Challenge..